About Us
The USSU Childcare Centre is a Corporate, Non-Profit Government Subsidized Childcare Centre. We are licenced through the Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Education.
We are required by law to follow the Child Care Act, 2014, the Government Regulations, 2015, Labour Standards, and our Policies as approved by our Board of Directors.
We work with a nine-member Board of Directors, which is made up of three representatives from the USSU, one representative from Student & Enrolment Services, and five elected parent members.
We also encourage and adhere to the following:
- Individuality, creativity and self-acceptance. Children in the care of the Centre are provided many opportunities to express themselves in many forms of play and group activities. Furthermore, co-operation and personal achievement are stressed instead of competition.
- Offering varied experiences. Children will have the opportunity to participate in many different activities such as crafts, circle times, drama, and gross motor play. These activities are part of each daily program plan.
- Acceptance and open-mindedness. Getting along with others is of paramount importance in the Centre. Children are encouraged to participate meaningfully in groups and to learn how to communicate with each other in a positive manner.
- Upholding the Policies and Guidelines of the Centre. All Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), parents, and children are to follow the appropriate guidelines for behaviour. The Director of the Centre will make policies available to all parents and staff.
- Equity. The Centre is committed to the principles of equality and social justice. Children are encouraged to learn about accepting all peoples. No child, parent, or ECE will be discriminated against by the Centre on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, political, or religious affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation.
- Fostering parental involvement and governance. The Centre is committed to a fair and democratic structure that recognizes the parent’s role and responsibility in determining appropriate care for their child. Parents are encouraged to serve on the Board of Directors, or any of its sub-committees. Parents may attend any board meeting by notifying the Director 24 hours prior to the meeting.